June 7th, 2025


The 142.4 kilometre relay takes place in one of the most scenic areas of British Columbia. Starting at Prince Rupert, the “Ocean Gateway of the North”, following Highway 16 along the majestic Skeena River, known to the Ts’msyen people, on whose territory the race takes place, as the “River of Mist”, the course wind its way between towering granite cliffs and lush rain forest to finish in Terrace.


Relay Stages


START: Lester Centre - Prince Rupert

TOTAL: 13.8K


START: Kloiya Bay - pull out on left



START: Rainbow Summit - pullout on right approx. 1.5K from Summit

TOTAL: 21.1K


START: Basalt Creek - rest area on right

TOTAL: 10.2K


START: Telegraph Creek - rest area on right

TOTAL: 15.3K


START: Snowbound Creek - boat launch on right

TOTAL: 12.1K


START - ALL TEAMS START AT 12:00PM, Kasiks Resort

TOTAL: 16.7K


START: Clearing on right - "Fishing Place" - 1/2km before Andesite Creek Bridge



START: Wide highway - long pullout on right



START: Pullout on right

TOTAL: 14.2K



June 6th, 2025

7:00-8:00 PM - Race Package Pick-up - Prince Rupert Recreation Center - Judo Room

Team captains (or their designated person) must pick up their T-shirts and race bibs. If team captains cannot be at the meeting, they must advise the race director who will be picking up their packages in their place.

8:00-8:30 PM - Team Captains Meeting* - Prince Rupert Recreation Center - Judo Room

7:00-7:30 PM - Race Volunteers Meeting* - Prince Rupert Recreation Center - Eagle Room

Team Captains and Race Volunteer Meetings are MANDATORY to attend for Team Captains and Volunteers respectively.

June 7th, 2025

7:00 AM - Start of Stage 1 - Lester Center of the Arts (1100 McBride Street, Prince Rupert, BC)

NOTE Arrive 20 - 30 minutes early. Bathrooms will be available in the Lester Center

12:00 PM - Start of Stage 7 - Kasiks Wilderness Lodge (Highway 16 - 84km East of Lester Center)

NOTE Arrive 25 - 30 minutes early. Bathrooms will be available in the Lodge

6:00 PM - Drinks - 6:30 PM - Dinner - Hidden Acres Farm and Treehouse Resort - 3527 River Drive, Terrace BC

- Awards and Door prizes to follow

NOTE post race showers can be found at the Ferry Island campsite and Terrace Recreation Center (hours of operation may vary)



Each team should consist of ten (10) runners, but may have a minimum of five (5) runners.

Open (any mix of runners including trans and non-binary) 

Mixed (minimum 4 female-identifying runners, the remainder can be any mix of runners including trans and non-binary)        

Corporate (minimum 5 runners from same employer)

Women (all female-identifying runners)

Masters (all runners age 40+, any mix of runners including trans and non-binary)        

Masters Women (all female-identifying runners, all runners age 40+)      




  • FASTEST IN CATEGORY (M/F/NB) - Stages 1 to 10

  • HIDDEN TIMES - Stages 1 to 10


  • PLACEMENT BY CATEGORY (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

    • Open

    • Mixed      

    • Corporate

    • Women

    • Masters       

    • Masters Women




  1. It is the Team Captain’s responsibility to ensure that all team members (runners) are aware of these Race Rules and Traffic Safety Rules. Each team member will be required to provide a signed copy of the Race Rules form prior to race participation.

  2. ​Each team should consist of ten (10) runners, but may have a minimum of five (5) runners.

  3. Mixed teams must have at least four (4) stages run and completed by female-identifying runners.

  4. All participants have the right to self determination. A runner’s self-declared gender during registration shall not be challenged.

  5. Runners must wear their assigned competition number (race bib) on the front. The number must be visible to race officials at all times during the runners stage.

  6. Competition numbers are not transferable. Competitor’s numbers must correspond to the stage they are running, except in the case of substitution. 

  7. Runner substitutions on the day of the event are allowed under the following circumstances:

    • A runner substituting for another runner must be registered on the same team. 

    • No runner may compete for more than one team.

    • A runner substituting for another runner may run their later stage. 

    • A runner substituting for another runner should keep their original competitor's number from the stage they have/will run. DO NOT use the number of the person being substituted.

    • A runner not completing a stage may not run again in the race.

    • The names and competition numbers and reason(s) for substitution of the runners involved in the substitution must be reported to a race official at the end of that stage. Failure to report a substitution may result in disqualification. 

    • Except on an open team, a female-identifying runner must substitute for a female-identifying runner.

  8. Each runner is expected to know and complete their designated stage.

  9. A runner may not begin their stage until the runner of the stage before them has finished.

  10. At each exchange, the runner starting the next stage must report to the race official in charge of registration before starting the stage and MUST be escorted across the highway by an official race volunteer. Failure to do so will result in a time penalty.

  11. Runners who have completed a stage are not permitted to cross the highway unless accompanied by an official race volunteer. Failure to do so will result in a timed penalty.

  12. For the safety of all runners and volunteers, each team should be able to meet the following cut-off times:

    • Complete Stage 1 to 6 at Kasiks Lodge by 4:00pm.

    • Complete Stage 7 to 10 at Canadian Tire by 6:30pm.

      • Runners of stages 6 and 10 who do not make these cut-off times will be asked to leave the course, and their official race time recorded up to the cut-off time. It is the responsibility of the team support vehicle to remove the runner from the course. Runners who do not make the cut-off times, and their team, will not be disqualified, however they will not be eligible for finish time prizes.

  13. Runners must run on the left side of the highway (starting at stage 2), facing oncoming traffic, and shall run on the paved shoulder wherever possible.

  14. ​Runners must not wear headsets or personal listening devices of any kind in any fashion. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.

  15. No wheeled devices or dogs are allowed to go with runners.

  16. Another runner, bicycle or vehicle may not pace runners.

  17. Unmarked vehicles will have a 5 min. maximum drop off allowed for participants. Every team must supply reflective vests for support personnel. ONLY 2 SUPPORT VEHICLES clearly displaying team identification are allowed to be at transition sites. Unmarked vehicles exceeding the five minute drop-off allowance will be subject to a timed penalty – it will be awarded to the team the vehicle is supporting.

  18. All vehicles must adhere to all traffic/parking signs along the route and at transition areas. Failure to do so will result in a timed penalty.

  19. Timed infractions are at the discretion of the committee based on severity.



Cautious and courteous driving is essential to the safe and orderly conduct of the race. To reduce congestion on the race course and to alleviate traffic problems, please try to have only the two team support vehicles on the course where your team member is running. Runners and other pedestrians must watch out for vehicular traffic at all times. Be especially careful when crossing the highway, whether to assist your runner or at the exchanges.

Please familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  1. Each team is limited to two (2) official support vehicles. Drivers must comply with all regulations of the Motor Vehicle Act and obey all traffic regulations. Vehicles must travel on the right hand side of the highway at all times.

  2. Obey all signs and instructions from traffic control personnel enroute. Be extremely cautious around exchanges; watch carefully for runners, pedestrians, and other vehicles. 

  3. Throughout the relay, team support vehicles must not stop to assist runners unless there is a designated parking area or room to pull off the road safely. 

  4. Vehicles may park on the right side only, where it is safe and permitted to do so. Parking is not permitted on the left side of the road, or on the marked areas on the right side directly opposite the transition areas (hand off area at the end/beginning of each stage).

  5. For safety, please limit the number of vehicles at the transition areas.

  6. Support persons must wear high-visibility safety vests when crossing the road to assist runners. Failure to do so will result in a penalty imposed on the team.

  7. Support vehicles are not permitted to “pace” the runners by driving alongside the runners at slow speeds.

  8. Runners will be stopped by traffic control volunteers at any rail crossing if there is on-coming rail traffic. Traffic control personnel at the railroad crossings must be obeyed. Failure to do so will result in team disqualification. Runners stopped for on-coming trains will be timed. Total race time will be adjusted.

  9. Cutting corners on the course is strictly prohibited. Teams violating this rule will be disqualified, without exception or appeal.

  10. Race participants are not permitted to have bicycles on the course at any time during the relay, for any reason.

  11. Obey all liquor laws. Alcohol is strictly prohibited on the course.

  12. RCMP will enforce all Traffic and Liquor Regulations. They will issue warnings and tickets and will report infractions to the race referee. Names of teams will be recorded and may not be permitted to participate in future Skeena River Relays. 


EVERYONE POOPS (so here is a bathroom list)

Lester Center of the Arts (Stage 1 start)

Oliver Lake Rec Site (along Stage 1)

Prudhomme Lake Campground (along Stage 2)

Basalt Creek Rest Area (Stage 4 start)

Telegraph Creek Rest Area (Stage 5 start)

Kasiks Wilderness Lodge (Stage 7 start)

Exstew Rest Area (along Stage 8)